Sew On Studio
Create Fashion Together with Love
「裳樂匯坊」發起人Winsome Lok是本地時裝設計師,常常遇到很多困難需要獨自承擔和解決問題,幸獲不少前輩指導和帶領,及不同伙伴的協助才能有今天的成績。
最近獲得香港理工大學企業發展院的支持,Winsome與一群香港資深時裝從業者創立了「裳樂匯坊」(Sew On Studio),希望藉此平台協助新晉時裝設計師,哉培更多本地時裝設計人才,促進香港的時裝設計業的發展。
2. 提供交流平台,推廣及銷售香港品牌,同時培訓年青人才,幫助工業界持續發展。
「裳樂匯坊」的英文「Sew on」指完成一件衣裳的最後一個步驟,如縫合布片般結合各種元素,完整呈現創作者的想法和努力。「裳樂」是指希望參與者可感受到創造時裝的樂趣,「匯坊」是指把不同背景的時裝愛好者聚合,彼此分享交流合作。
In the last century, the immigrant from Mainland China was being the support of labour in building Hong Kong economy. The newly arrived ladies and families had a lot of opportunity working in the Garment Industry as the garment makers which could increase their monthly income and improve their life quality. In the 90s, most of the manufacturers relocated in China which greatly reduced the career post. Their valuable skill and techniques were then wasted.
The garment industries actually do not wholly withdraw from Hong Kong. They reform from manufacturers to a vertical set-up enterprise (i.e. from product design to manufacture, and even brand development) which can ‘maintain’ their headquarters in Hong Kong.
And the story of Sew On Studio…
It is no easy task to become a fashion designer and launch own fashion brand and business in Hong Kong.
Those who would like to enter the industry are often deterred by lack of space, resources and technical support. They are not able to produce small quantities or have no appropriate marketing channels.
The initiator of Sew On Studio, Winsome Lok is a local designer, is often faced with many difficulties that have to be solved on her own. Thanks to the guidance and help offered by experienced practitioners, she was finally able to build her own business today.
According to this purpose, we developed this fashion product realization studio and co-work with TML who employed the young elderly supervisors and staff in garment making.
Therefore a group of youth fashion designers can use our studio to be a workshop to create their products and cooperate with the seniors sewing expertise and workers to realize their own design. The products can then be shown in our exhibitions or shows. Also to build up the brand of “Made in Hong Kong” cooperate to create the new product design and providing the new opportunities.
We also have a programme which funded by GoodSeed (SIE Fund) for design special function clothing for the elderly. And provide free services of the clothing alteration, therefore, the users have a more convenient and comfortable garment which can increase their social communication and self-respect.
Fundings 基金
PolyU Micro Fund 2016 Start-ups Programm
Sew On Studio 裳樂匯坊
PolyU Good Seed 2016 Supported Programm
Full of Heart 裳足
Our Team 成員
Winsome Lok
info@sewonstudio.com | Business Development
Carmen Lo
carmen@sewonstudio.com | Finance & Account
Miyuki Cheng
miyuki@sewonstudio.com | Sales and Marketing